Hi friends! My name is Hunter Overacker and I am a professional artist based in Dallas, Texas. I capture emotion with the paintbrush and always try to create a visual platform inspired by life’s deepest contrasts, fine lines, beautiful irregularities, and of course, its most intimate realities. I utilize a variety of mediums, including but not limited to acrylic paint, gouache, pencil, canvas, linen, and paper. I use various colors, depending on the mood of the painting. I take a modern approach to human emotion that has been expressed throughout a multitude of art ages. I transcend those emotions into a more modern appeal, and how we relate to these emotions today. Our surroundings may continuously change, but the humanity inside us and the emotions we feel always remain the same. I draw inspiration from the Classical, Hellenistic, and Renaissance periods; as well as Pre- and Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism, and many other contemporary art periods.

Find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at @hunteroveracker.

For commercial inquiries, collaborations, and commissions, contact me via my contact page or email me directly at overackerh@gmail.com.


To always create a visual platform inspired solely by life’s deepest contrasts, fine lines, beautiful irregularities, and of course, its most intimate vitalities.
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I grew up in the small town of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, the capital of the Cherokee Nation. Both my paternal and maternal sides of the family have strong Cherokee backgrounds. Clearly, the Cherokee way of life had and continues to have a strong impact on my life. I took a leap of faith and made a drastic change, and moved to attend the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Hawaii. I received my bachelor’s degree in Economics, and then decided to travel for a bit and became a flight attendant based in Miami, Florida. Later, I was transferred to Dallas, Texas. During this time I was able to experience many of the rich cultures of this world and spent much of my time in museums, cultural events, and meandering hundreds of streets across the world. I became deeply inspired by the art that surrounded me. This is what encouraged me to pursue my lifelong goal of becoming a professional artist, and brought me to where I am today.


Instilled within me since birth has been a strong desire to create. It is a force that I cannot deny. I derive an intense form of satisfaction when I am presented with a clean slate, and as the cliché goes, the opportunities become endless. Like many others, they too can relate to their own life precedents when they are presented with a clean slate. As such, mine is expressed with thousands of brushstrokes on top of a new, seemingly endless canvas.

My art is undeniably personal. With my paintings, the audience will receive a first-person perspective into what I see through my eyes as an artist; giving a distinctive yet cohesive visual appeal to how I translate our modern yet acrimonious urbane utopia into an overtly real and beautified form. These intricacies include but are not limited to intimate human vulnerabilities, fine lines, beautiful irregularities, deep contrasts, and ultimately, life’s many harsh realities.

However, above all things catastrophic and inharmonious by nature, I will always find beauty among all error. Capitulating under my own shortcomings then surrendering under His salvation and being made anew, there is something divine in seeking only beauty above all other imperfections: like the taste of honey on one’s lips and the very nature of God Himself – it is an indisputably sweet, true love.

It is this alone that compels me to always seek, even amid its imperfections, only the beauty within humanity above all worldly lusts, cruelties, and materialistic desires -  whether it comes from the largest of masses or the very midst of its finest intricacies – and transcend this lost message of truth overlooked from a social standpoint onto a visual platform as a reminder to those who have forgotten. Because after all, in the end, life will always prove that the righteous will triumph above all evil. This has been promised: as heirs to the throne, we shall never be forsaken.

In all my portrayals of humanity and its countless cruel though many beautiful phenomena, if I have failed to transcend the written word and communicate through a medium my ultimate message, my last and final hope is to reveal only this:

That life’s ultimate luxuries are found only in the intangible of human content, their error, and the true final divinity that forgives and amends them all: The Son, The Holy Spirit, and His Holiness Himself.

Without further ado,  I would like to invite you to my website, whether it be for inspiration, pleasure, or simply to pass time by - please enjoy.
